18 sept 2012


Segunda entrega videográfica de An Introduction To... / Reproduction Prohibited. En este caso perteneciente a uno de los dos temas inéditos de la recopilación, una versión en alemán del único 'gran' éxito de Daniel Miller (como The Normal). Gran disco para disfrutar durante estos cuatro meses que quedan para que se 'acabe' el mundo.

“The cover version can be seen as a cynical populist tactic by artists lacking in originality, a gesture of contempt or as a respectful example of good taste and seriousness. Laibach’s open rejection of originality makes the first view irrelevant and the new originals are too ambivalent to be either entirely contemptuous or totally respectful. A Laibachised song is sometimes more kitsch, sometimes more serious and sometimes more emotional than the 'old original' it is based on. Laibachisation re- and de-animates a song, reviving it for long enough to dispatch it again”.
Alexei Monroe, author of Interrogation Machine: Laibach And NSK, from the Reproduction Prohibited sleevenotes.